Bupyeong Pungmuldae Festival, which is re-examined by Incheon University students, will be held to share the results of the "Bupyeong Pungmuldae Festival Research Group" by humanities, culture and arts planning majors

홍보팀 (032-835-9490)

2024.11.28 목 오후 17:30~19:30 인천대학교 3호관 큐브  인천대학새이 재조명하는 부평풍물대축제  초대합니다 인문문화예술기획 연계전공 학생들이 모여, 축제가 준비되는 9월 27일(금) 자정부터 9월 29일(일) 폐막까지 현장을 누비며 고민했습니다. 축제의 이모저모를 직접 경험하며 20대의 시각에서 축제를 재탐색하고, 그 의미를 되새겨 보았습니다. 더 많은 청년이 흥미롭게 참여하고, 축제의 의미를 느낄 수 있도록 치열하게 토론한 결과물을 이제 여러분과 나누고자 합니다. 부족하겠지만, 응원의 마음으로 함께 해주신다면 큰 힘이 될 것 같습니다.  문의 한상정 (010 8541 5650)인문문화예술기획 연계전공 주임교수  주최 부평풍물대축제 학생연구단 주관 인천대학교 인문문화예술기획 연계전공 후원 인천대학교 융합자유전공대학

A poster of the Bupyeong Pungmuldae Festival that Incheon University students will re-examine

On November 28, 2024, students majoring in humanities, culture and arts planning at Incheon National University participated in the 28th Bupyeong Pungmuldae Festival to discuss and present the results of their research so that many young people can participate interestingly and feel the meaning of the festival.

Incheon National University's Department of Undeclared Majors for International Students, which was newly established to expand the convergence curriculum in 2024, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Bupyeong-gu Festival Committee on June 16 for cultural development in Incheon Metropolitan City. 

Incheon National University, a national university based in Incheon, commissioned the "Bupyeong Pungmul Festival Research Group" consisting of undergraduate students majoring in humanities, culture and arts planning to contribute to the development of the Bupyeong Pungmul Festival, one of Incheon's representative festivals.  

The research team participated in Incheon's representative festival, the Bupyeong Pungmuldae Festival, and conducted research on why college students in their 20s are not interested and what is needed to make them more interested in local and regional festivals.

To this end, they participated in a preliminary data survey and participated in the 29th Bupyeong Pungmul Grand Festival for two nights and three days from the moment they opened the eight lanes of Bupyeong-daero at 12 p.m. on Friday before the festival began to the closing ceremony on Sunday, and after the festival, they gathered together to discuss what they saw, felt, and learned. 

Incheon National University's Free Convergence Major College will continue to support students majoring in connection to participate with interest in the Incheon area, and students will continue various activities such as participating in cultural activities such as the Incheon Metropolitan City Festival, planning, developing capabilities, sharing ideas for local communities, and seeking future development directions. 

The presentation will be held at the Cube Hall of Incheon National University from 5:30 p.m. on November 28, 2024.

인천대학생이 재조명하는 부평풍물축제 관련 사진

Photo of participation in Bupyeong Pungmuldae Festival
